
I Quit My Dreams To Be A Housewife At 23 | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

2023-02-23 46 Dailymotion

LINDA, 23, met her husband Ricky, 27, at the gym where he was a health coach at the time. Ricky told Truly that there "was a pretty much instant connection". At the beginning of their relationship, Ricky didn't make much money, however, since becoming a successful investor in real estate, stocks and cryptocurrency, his wealth has skyrocketed. "In a month, I usually make around $100,000 or more," he said. While Linda interjected, "he’s being humble. [On] his biggest day, he’s made $100,000." Now the couple has a traditional marriage, where Ricky makes the money and Linda takes care of their home. "I believe modern relationships that do 50-50 are unhappy, it’s not natural," she said. "However much he’ll make that month, he’ll give me a percentage. I have never paid a bill in my life." Linda spends her days doing household chores, cooking Ricky meals and making TikTok videos. She has a big online following, showing off the couple's fabulous life, hopping between their homes in the US and Dubai. Since sharing her love of being a stay-at-home wife on social media she has received a barrage of criticism. "I get a lot of hate. People are really mean on social media, but I’ve gotten used to it." Commenters tell Linda "he’s going to leave you, he’s going to cheat on you, he’s going to abuse you." They call her "a spoiled brat" or say that she "brings nothing to the table" or say that she is "useless". The pair brush off the criticism, as their dynamic works well for them. But a loved one closer to home has also voiced concerns, "my dad wants me to do something with my life", Linda confessed. Her father Fouad explained that when Linda told him that she was going to be a housewife "it did not sit well with me, I always encouraged her to go to school." Admitting that he is "worried about power imbalance in the relationship." In this episode of Love Don't Judge Linda's father sits down with the couple to confront them on why he disagrees with their relationship setup.

Follow Linda here - https://www.lionlindaa.com/
Follow Ricky here - https://www.instagram.com/riskyricky/